Anime Buoy Podcast Episode 23 – Gundam 101

Ahoy, mateys, and welcome to the Anime Buoy podcast – your twice monthly port of call for anime recommendations, news bits, and discussions that maybe aren’t on your radar, but most definitely should be! On this episode, recorded Sunday, July 9, 2017, Captain Spike and First Mate Slagkick give an introduction to the Gundam meta-series!


On this episode, Captain Spike leads a discussion on how to get into the Gundam series! The Podcast Pirates give an overview of the different Gundam timelines and entry points for each, as well as their own experiences watching the shows and overarching themes of the franchise.


On our next episode, Cpt. Spike leads a discussion on the Gundam meta-series! What’s your favorite entry in the franchise?


– Transformation Sequence

– Podyuken Comic Cosplays and Cons Podcast

– Game Buoy

– RangerPRIDE

– Reading is Fundamental

– Same Type Attack Bonus